Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Welcome to Simply Styled Art

Thank you so much for stopping by our lil corner of the world.
Simply Styled Art Cozy Boho Hygge Home Decor Accents  Cozy, modern texture for the Modern Farmhouse with signs, wallhangings, tassels, wood and more!

Please sign up for our for free tips, ideas and offers up above!  We promise no spamming!  We'd love to connect with you.

We put a fun modern twist on rustic wooden signs! Each item is handmade from our hearts to your home!  We also feature our hand drawn digital art on rustic fun home decor. And don't forget our accent decor, these pieces cozy up your home and make you smile!

Please see most recent updates on Instagram and Facebook!  Click below and follow us!
Simply Styled Art Cozy Boho Hygge Home Decor Accents  Cozy, modern texture for the Modern Farmhouse with signs, wallhangings, tassels, wood and more!

We appreciate you shopping small!  
All of our recent art is on  

Come find something just for YOU!